IntelliNet – Application of IoT Concept in Drainage Infrastructure Management

Many regions around the world, especially mega cities with heavily invested drainage infrastructures, have experienced catastrophic flooding events due heavy or prolonged rains recent years. Paris, for example, was flooded after continuous rainfall in 2016 and 2018. A similar situation has been occurring in other mega cities like Valencia, Alicante, and Madrid in Spain, and Chongquing in China. In Germany, half of the 16 states suffered a total loss of €11.6 billion due to the extreme flood in 2013. In Bavaria alone, for instance, the damage is approximately €1.3 billion. In 2017, exceptional heavy rainfall in Berlin has caused serious floods on streets, underground stations, road’s tunnel, bringing the transportation systems into chaos.

The research from OECD on Cities and Climate Change indicates that the exposure of assets to coastal flooding will increase more than ten times in 2070 compared to the level in 2005. More importantly, more than 11 million low-income inhabitants in port cities are exposed to coastal flooding with limited protection and no formal alarming system is provided.

Not only coastal zones but also mountainous regions are threatened by flood risks. For instance, Andalusia region of Spain and the Central of Vietnam encountered severe torrential floods in 2019 and 2020 respectively. These facts show that the existing measures to tackle flooding risks, despite of remarkable efforts from some governments and political institutions, are still inadequate, and more effective solutions are required.

With nearly 40 years in the water infrastructure industry, HST Systemtechnik understands the challenges in flood risk management and the importance of a secure, effective and resilient water drainage network. By applying leading edge technologies, HST has developed “IntelliNet”, which networks all important water infrastructures (or “Smart Machines”) of the urban sewer network under one system, to monitor, control, and automatically operate the network at the same time. The innovative features of the solution are the networking of various water infrastructures and the integration of precipitation data to offer a holistic and complete solution to optimize the utilization of the storage capacity and improve the resilience of the whole network.

HST International Sales Director, Mr. Thomas Gruenig, introduced “IntelliNet” in Greencities 2020 and the Water Session “Digitalising the Future of Water” (from 27:42 in the video) organized by FIWARE Foundation. This advanced solution attracted attentions and interests of the local municipalities and other stakeholders in the water sector. In November, “IntelliNet” will be introduced in the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai. In this trade fair, HST team will demonstrate how the system works with a live simulation model. The exhibition of HST in CIIE and the operation of “IntelliNet” will be described in the news next month. So subscribe us to receive further updates about this technology.
If you are interested in the concept of “IntelliNet”, you can check HST WaterVision 2020 (German version) or contact HST International Project Manager, Mr. Nghiep Chi Le, via We are pleased to clarify all of the questions you have.


Nghiep Chi Le, M.A.

International Project Manager
Tel+49 291 9929-107
Fax+49 291 7691

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