Fronkreisch! Fronkreisch! Bonjour PARIS, voilà HST

In September 2018, we delivered and installed the first HST-Screening system for floating material restraint for the city Nanterre in district 92, Paris.

It consists of two hydraulically driven HSR-Screen (Total computation length 11.40 m, 4mm bar spacing, 6250 l / s unloading water quantity) with horizontal bars to the direction of flow. Due to a combination of the equipment and the automation with IntelliScreen, the filter’s performance is optimized and the overflowing incident is prevented. The standard of the municipal customer has been improved. The Paris citizen now is more satisfied with the “Internet of Things” à la HST and have appreciated the project management and execution. VIVE LA FRANCE! Another 4 pumping stations are planned in this district of Paris for the need for sewage treatment of the Seine on the occasion of the 2024 Olympics. Also: A bientôt Paris!

The intelligent network of ASA-Weir, HSR-Screen and AWS-Jet cleaner for pool cleaning, together with SCADA-Software for management, have become more popular. The secured operation and technology are the challenges in mega-cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore. HST, as a technological leader, provides secured benefits and investments to customers.


Nghiep Chi Le, M.A.

International Project Manager
Tel+49 291 9929-107
Fax+49 291 7691

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Deutschland Germany

HST Systemtechnik
Heinrichsthaler Straße 8
D-59872 Meschede
+49 – (0) 291 – 99 29 -0
+49 – (0) 291 – 76 91

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